Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eat a Red Apple Day and apple smiles

Today's storytime theme was Eat a Red Apple Day, December 1st.  The first book we read was The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall.  Then we ate none other than red apples in the form of apple smiles.  My mom suggested this edible craft - we took red apple slices and put peanut butter on one side of two apple slices and then stuck mini marshmallows in the peanut butter and between the apple slices, like the ones in the picture to the right.  Of course, with 3-year-olds, trying to get the whole apple smile put together without any part being eaten alone is practically impossible.  I was absolutely amazed at how quickly these little girls could gobble up little marshmallows!  I gave one half a dozen to stick in her peanut butter and turned around to distribute more marshmallows and just a few seconds later the first few marshmallows were no where to be found.  It went well though, except for the one little girl who was apparently afraid of peanut butter, poor thing.  Anyway, while our apple smiles were being devoured, I read Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington.  The girls enjoyed storytime and the parents, as always, got a giggle at my observance of pseudo-holidays.

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