Here's a look at the Guggenheim Library! It is quite tiny. This photo shows pretty much the whole thing. My desk is on the left-hand side, just out of the frame (you can kinda see the top of my chair at the bottom of the picture). As you can see, there is movable shelving to maximize shelving space, though the shelves are pretty tight as is - hence the potential de-duplication project in the works. Yup, that's the library.
When I came in to work this morning, I found out that it was Becky's birthday and I got invited out to lunch with the rest of the library and archives department (all 5 of us, me included). We went to Spunto Pizza, where I had what I presume to be real New York pizza or something close to it. It was quite tasty.
Later in the afternoon, we got heat advisory emails at work for the next couple of days. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that. Air conditioned 17th floor penthouse study room, here I come!
Total mileage: 2.72 mi
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