So as I mentioned in an earlier post, I've been scoping out the library job market again and it's pretty overwhelming. Especially since soon I will actually be qualified for those that require an MLIS. Job hunting is not fun. I am working on mentally preparing myself for potential applications and interviews. I'm also trying to think about where I might like to work. This is about the longest I have ever been away from Gainesville and I must say, I miss it (by the way, creating that link was probably a terrible idea; I paged through the Wikipedia article and got a massive pang of homesickness). Though I'm not sure if this is like a hump that I have to get over and then I will be totally fine being away from home, or if I am actually meant to stay there, or someplace near at least. Or maybe just not New York City. I mean, New York is great and all, but let's face it, it's not meant for everyone. Maybe it'll grow on me. We'll see.
Today's mileage: 2.92 mi
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