Thursday, June 2, 2011

Guggenheim orientation

I went to the Guggenheim today!  Well, sort of.  We had orientation but I didn't really see the museum.  I met a lot of the interns and everyone seems really nice.  We all got copies of Guggenheim Museum Collection A to Z (we actually got the 2009 paperback edition) which is pretty awesome.  And we were informed that our Guggenheim IDs will get us free admission to any museum in the city as well as others nationwide.  And I can get people into the Guggenheim for free as well.  So should anyone be visiting the city this summer and like to go to the Guggenheim, just let me know - I've got the hook-up.  Also, they are having us do this mock materials request form to familiarize us with it and as incentive, we get a free poster from the gift shop - I'm thinking of choosing this one.

I will be starting my internship in the Library & Archives department on Monday.

Today's mileage: 3.74 mi


  1. I like that poster! Also, sweet idea mapping your walking distance. Now I just need to keep up with my bike milage :P

  2. Hey, Its Angie from ALF. Your blog has made me want to go to NY so bad that I'm going on Wednesday the 15th! Well, I wouldn't see your blog alone was the deciding factor, but point is I'm going. So gimmie the hookup, I wanna go to Guggenheim! Oh...and I'm excited also to see you!

  3. Your pick of that poster does not surprise me. It looks just like something you would pick.:)
